Wake up!!
In hundreds of universities through-out the country illegal pro Hamas -Palestinian, anti-jew sit-ins are occurring and university administrators just shake their heads, mumble to themselves and do nothing. Worse, campus police do nothing. Worse still, city police do nothing. Apparently, we have no law enforcement doers left in our country.
The only positive action taken was by three Northwestern University students on May 4th, 2024 when they filed a breach of contract law suit against the University citing a "dystopic cesspool of hate" present at the pro-Palestinian encampment. The law suite further stated, "Northwestern's refusal to enforce it's own policies is thus a breach of contract, in addition to being a total embarrassment to the broader Northwestern community"
Three college students. Yes, three college students had the gumption to say to that rabble of sit-ins, "No More". Columbia University is doing the same as Northwestern and class actions against destructive sit-ins are in the pipeline. It's a sad commentary that a small number of college students are the primary one's that are saying "enough is enough!
Remember me writing in my second blog Do The Math, "It's a small world Charlie Brown". "World Politics" are being forced upon the U.S. regardless of how long we ignore world happenings.
Examples. The Middle-east could explode into a major war at anytime. 175 attacks on Americans have taken place in the Middle-east since October 2023. Take a hard look, a terrorist organization (Hamas) sponsors sit-ins at our Universities. Take a hard look. a terrorist organization (Hezbollah) sponsored a rally at our Capital on June 23, 2024. Give a hard thought as to numbers of agents of ill-will who took advantage of V.P. Kamala Harris's open border policy.
The enemy is not at the gates, thanks to Kamala, the enemy is within our gates. At what strength of numbers who knows, but at some point, believe you me, we are painfully going to find out.
A very simple question. What is that bastion of law and order (Homeland Security) doing while these terrorist groups openly flaunt our laws? Apparently, not a whole lot. Absent those agent who are sworn to protect us, my homeland doesn't seem very secure. Does yours?
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