Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What Is Purpose Of Visit?

 A visa is issued to a visitor to our country based upon the type of visa granted.  The type depends upon the purpose of the visit.  Appears straight-forward doesn't it.  Upon determining the purpose of the visit an agent would then search approximately forty different categories of visas to issue same visa.  Add to that, how many years is the visa issued for. In the end, it's made very complicated.

The U.S. Immigration and Enforcement {I.C.E.} is an agency under the umbrella of Homeland Security.   I.C.E. is theoretically in charge of the goings-on of issues dealing with immigration.  Let's give them a hand for the job they do.  Wait, not so fast.  Let's give them a backhand for the job that they don't do.

I have a number of questions.

 Aren't the agents of the terrorist group Hezbollah (marches) and terrorist group Hamas (sit-ins on campus) on some watch list at I.C.E?  If not, why not?

Under what category of visa does a terrorist come under?  Shouldn't  I.C.E. arrest all terrorists in America and send them directly to Gitmo?  If not, why not?

 During all types of anti-american rallies, why doesn't I.C.E. roundup a number of protestors and check their visa status?  

 You see I.C.E. agents at the airport buzzing around some small fry with a invalid passport that a employee there at the airport is more than capable of handling.   In government jargon, this action is called doing the small stuff, shuffling paper, or more accurately put, wasting time to get through the day.  

I say to I.C.E.  You need to grow a pair, then put your major effort into arresting those who spout a terrorist ideology and don't give me that crap about 'free speech" either.  The D.O.J. holds that illegals don't have that right.  Best case, show up at these rallies in force and arrest those who wave terrorist flags, those that paint terrorist slogans or symbols on any walls or anyone who vandalizes.  Let the D.O.J. short out who is who and what needs to be done and give those that warrant it, an all expense paid trip to Cuba.

I know that I am just a "shout in the dark", but, damn it.  I.C.E., Homeland Security, do your job!  


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What Is Purpose Of Visit?

 A visa is issued to a visitor to our country based upon the type of visa granted.  The type depends upon the purpose of the visit.  Appears...